archived functions/setStopwords.R


# Set stopwords. The argument is a filepath to a comma-separated list
# of stopwords. The output is a character vector of terms, which is 
# saved into the main environment.
# Create or change a vector of stopwords
# @param filepath A path to the file that will be converted.
# @param delimiter The kind of character used to delimit your file 
#   of stopwords. The default is "," for comma-separated files. Special 
#   characters are included here as regular expessions, such as "\\n" for
#   new lines (every word is on its own line) and "\\t" for tabs.
# @examples
# stopwords = setStopwords("~/Desktop/stopwords.txt",delimiter=",")

setStopwords = function(filepath,delimiter=",") {
  stopwords = scan(filepath,what="character",sep=delimiter)
michaelgavin/tei2r documentation built on May 22, 2019, 9:50 p.m.